Soda Fired Earthenware

This collection of work has been fired in my gas fired soda kiln. These earthenware pieces are often decorated by building up layers of color, texture, and imagery. I like to use porcelain slip, clay additives like feldspar or sand, colored underglaze, glass, and decals.

These pieces represent nearly 15 years of research in firing earthenware in atmospheric kilns. This research culminated in 2020 with the release of my book, Low Fire Soda, which covers many of these methods and process in depth.

Many of these pieces have surface inconsistencies that keep the texture interesting. Sometimes these surfaces aren't appealing to everyone. If that's the case, you may enjoy some of my other pieces from different collections of work.

Regular price $375.00
Regular price $325.00
Regular price $325.00
Regular price $265.00
Regular price $225.00
Regular price $195.00
Regular price $185.00
Regular price $185.00
Regular price $175.00
Regular price $165.00 Sold Out
Regular price $165.00
Regular price $150.00